For Briseyda’s Complete Flamenco Dancer Bio Click Here.
For Briseyda’s Complete Flamenco Singer Bio Click Here.
Briseyda Zárate Fernández is a professional Flamenco dancer, choreographer and teacher of 30 years, and has been an active member and leader of the LA Flamenco community for just as long. She’s proud of both her Mexican and Andalusian heritage and has performed locally, statewide, nationally and internationally, including Spain’s top venues and festivals. Her dancing embodies the spirit of freedom & rebellion inherent to Flamenco and centers on improvisation, channeling of ancestors, and feminine empowerment. She is one of the few in the top-most level of those practicing this art form in the United States and is sincerely committed to transmitting her love & deep understanding of this life affirming art.
“L.A. based Briseyda Zarate scorched with her presence, a firestorm of filigreed fingers and fleet footwork, connecting to the music – especially the soulful wailings of singer Jesús Montoya. The no-nonsense Zarate danced as if possessed.